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DriveGUI.exe for S300/S700 - Features and Benefits

How to Download and Install DriveGUI.exe for S300/S700 Servo Drives

If you are using Kollmorgen S300 or S700 servo drives, you might want to download and install DriveGUI.exe, a setup software that allows you to configure and monitor your servo drives from a PC. In this article, we will show you how to do that step by step.

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What is DriveGUI.exe and why do you need it?

DriveGUI.exe is a setup software for Kollmorgen servo amplifiers

DriveGUI.exe is a Windows-based software that enables you to communicate with your Kollmorgen servo amplifiers via a serial port. It supports S300, S400, S600, and S700 models, as well as safety cards S1-2 and S2-2. You can use it to set up, control, diagnose, and update your servo drives.

DriveGUI.exe allows you to configure and monitor your servo drives from a PC

With DriveGUI.exe, you can access various functions and features of your servo drives, such as:

  • Viewing and editing the servo drive parameters

  • Monitoring and recording the servo drive signals

  • Creating and executing custom commands

  • Updating the servo drive firmware

  • Troubleshooting errors and faults

DriveGUI.exe also has an online help system that provides detailed information about each parameter, function, and feature. You can also download manuals, datasheets, application notes, and other resources from the Kollmorgen website.

How to download DriveGUI.exe from the Kollmorgen website

Go to the Downloads page and select the DriveGUI for S300/S700 category

To download DriveGUI.exe, you need to go to , which contains all the versions of DriveGUI.exe available for download.

Choose the latest version of the software and click on the download link

The latest version of DriveGUI.exe is 2.1.0, which was released on June 15, 2023. It has some new features and bug fixes compared to the previous versions. You can see the release notes for more details. To download it, click on the next to the version number. You will need to log in or register to access the download.

Save the zip file to your computer and extract it

After you click on the download link, you will see a dialog box asking you to save the zip file to your computer. Choose a location where you want to save it and click on Save. The zip file is about 50 MB in size, so it may take some time to download depending on your internet speed. Once the download is complete, locate the zip file and extract it using a program like WinZip or 7-Zip. You will see a folder named DriveGUI_2_1_0 containing the setup files.

How to install DriveGUI.exe on your PC

Run the setup.exe file and follow the instructions

To install DriveGUI.exe on your PC, you need to run the setup.exe file that you extracted from the zip file. Double-click on it and you will see a welcome screen. Click on Next and follow the instructions on the screen. You will need to accept the license agreement, choose the installation type, and select the components you want to install.

Choose the installation folder and language

By default, DriveGUI.exe will be installed in C:\Program Files\Kollmorgen\DriveGUI folder. You can change this by clicking on Browse and choosing a different folder. You can also choose the language for the software from a drop-down list. The available languages are English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

Agree to the license terms and conditions

Before you can proceed with the installation, you need to agree to the license terms and conditions of DriveGUI.exe. Read them carefully and check the box that says "I accept the terms in the License Agreement". Then click on Next.

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Wait for the installation to complete and launch the software

The installation process will take a few minutes to copy the files and register the components. You will see a progress bar showing the status of the installation. When it is done, you will see a confirmation screen. Click on Finish to exit the setup wizard. You can also choose to launch DriveGUI.exe immediately by checking the box that says "Launch DriveGUI".

How to connect your PC to your servo drive using DriveGUI.exe

Use a null-modem cable to connect the PC and the servo drive serial ports

To communicate with your servo drive using DriveGUI.exe, you need to use a null-modem cable (also known as a crossover cable) to connect your PC and your servo drive serial ports. A null-modem cable is a cable that has its transmit and receive wires crossed at both ends. This allows two devices to communicate directly without a modem or other intermediary device.

You can buy a null-modem cable from any electronics store or online retailer. Make sure it has a DB9 connector at both ends that matches your PC and your servo drive serial ports. Plug one end of the cable into your PC's serial port (usually labeled COM1 or COM2) and plug the other end into your servo drive's serial port (usually labeled RS232).

Open DriveGUI.exe and select the communication settings

Once you have connected your PC and your servo drive using a null-modem cable, you can open DriveGUI.exe by clicking on its icon on your desktop or in your Start menu. You will see a main window with a menu bar, a toolbar, a parameter tree, an oscilloscope, and a status bar.

To establish communication with your servo drive, you need to select the correct communication settings from the menu bar or toolbar. Click on Communication > Settings or click on the Settings icon on the toolbar. You will see a dialog box where you can choose the COM port, the baud rate, the parity, the stop bits, and the data bits for your communication.

Choose the baud rate, parity, stop bits, and data bits according to your servo drive manual

The communication settings you need to choose depend on your servo drive model and configuration. You can find the default values in your servo drive manual or on the label of your servo drive. You can also change these values using the dip switches on your servo drive or using DriveGUI.exe itself.

The baud rate is the speed of data transmission measured in bits per second (bps). The higher the baud rate, the faster the communication, but also the more prone to errors. The common values are 9600, 19200, 38400, and 57600 bps.

The parity is a method of error detection that adds an extra bit to each data byte. The extra bit can be either even or odd, depending on the number of 1s in the data byte. The common values are None, Even, and Odd.

The stop bits are the number of bits that indicate the end of a data byte. The common values are 1 and 2.

The data bits are the number of bits that make up a data byte. The common value is 8.

For example, if your servo drive manual says that the default communication settings are 9600 bps, None parity, 1 stop bit, and 8 data bits, you need to choose these values in DriveGUI.exe.

Click on Connect and wait for the software to recognize your servo drive

After you have chosen the correct communication settings, click on OK to close the dialog box. Then click on Communication > Connect or click on the Connect icon on the toolbar. You will see a message saying "Connecting..." on the status bar. Wait for a few seconds until you see a message saying "Connected" and the name and model of your servo drive appear on the status bar. This means that DriveGUI.exe has successfully established communication with your servo drive and read its parameters.

How to use DriveGUI.exe to set up and control your servo drive

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